
Hi there! I'm Kypsie, a cute snuggly barn owl that loves to talk and meet new friends.I'm always available to talk (unless I am in dnd, see below) but I will block you if you dm advertise to me.I hope we can be good friends if you decide to dm me :D
If need be, you can find me on discord at KynetiiOwl#3621
See bottom for DND protocol.

Hi there, just a forewarning, I often struggle to use the right pronouns for people so please forgive me and understand that I am slow to adapt to different pronouns, especially if your voice sounds masculine and you prefer feminine pronouns or vice versa. I also have some memory problems and can come across as overly flirtatious when I don't mean to. Also I sometimes let my passion for something override my logic. Other than that I am a very good owl uvu.

Also please refrain from talking about any drugs or drinking alcohol or smoking/vaping of any kind when in my dms. In servers it's alright cause I can just ignore it, but when it's a dm it's often right in my face. Thank you uvu.

Information about Kypsie:

  • He's 4'2 and like 90 lbs.

  • He's a snug dealer.

  • Uh he's kinda cute you should like grab him and take him home with you.

I like doing the following:

  • Playing War Thunder with Friends

  • Roleplaying (casually)

  • Talking in voice chats

Things Kypsie likes:

  • Dergies, like a lot

  • Snuggles uvu

  • Boops (don't tell him I told you this)

Please respect that I am on DND (do not disturb) for a reason whenever you see me on DND on discord.I'm usually on DND for the following reasons:

  • To give someone my complete and undivided attention

  • To give a game/party/online event that I am hosting my complete and undivided attention.

I just ask that you refrain from messaging me while I'm on DND. Thankies uvu.